Monday, April 8, 2013

Stuff You Learn in Marriage

For all intents and purposes, I'm still very very new at this whole marriage business.  But man, do you learn A LOT about yourself (and your significant other) in the first couple of years.

It's common sense, of course, but oftentimes, exposure to certain behaviors during childhood can explain some of your spouse's most frustrating behavior!  And I'm not talking about MY spouses frustrating behavior (because he's a perfect male specimen), I'm talking about my spouses spouses frustrating behavior.  (Errr...mine).

Apparently, I (and my brother) tend to speak in absolutes.  Something is THE BEST.  Something is THE WORST.  That's DISGUSTING.  It's the TASTIEST THING EVER (think pie, people!)  Mind you, we are entitled to our opinions.  But I guess we state opinions as facts, which is supposedly pretty annoying.

I honestly didn't realize I do this until a conversation with my husband, brother and sister-in-law.  Funny how siblings pick up some of the same darling qualities, and both their spouses guffaw loudly once it's mentioned and proceed to rifle off no less than 10 excellent examples of the aforementioned behavior.  Whatever, we all have things to work on, YES?  This is one of my MANY things to work on.

In other news, my husband has recently become fascinated with abandoned amusement parks.  It's weird and I'm starting to wonder if I should be concerned.  In any case, I chose to take him in sickness and in health and thus, I remain proud that he is mine.  Anyway, for your nightmarish pleasure, here are the creepiest ones I was able to locate:

What the hell is this even?  A clown train?
I admit, I mostly find this one creepy because of the girl.
This one MIGHT not be real.
I'm pretty sure both of these things are going to come to life and stalk me.


And on a more serious note....keep those prayers coming for my Mom and our family as she begins Chemo treatments this Wednesday, 4/10 at 8am.  I'll also be updating everyone shortly about the possibility of the creation of "TEAM CYNTHIA" t-shirts!!


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