Therefore, my objective today is to put as many things that I find to be hilarious into this blog post as I can muster. Because I have GOT to turn this frown upside down!
First things first: animals. I love them. The fur. The paws. The unconditional love. So, it should come as no surprise that videos and pictures of them can ALWAYS evoke a laugh (or more accurately, a squeal of delight) out of me. While cats are my first true love, this video of a fluffy puppy stuck in a bowl is one of the best things I've ever seen.
But back to cats, though. Recently, I can't get enough of this picture. It's like EXACTLY what a German kitty with slanty eyes would say!! AM I RIGHT?!?! The more I look at it and read it in different accents, the funnier it gets, and the more gleeful I become.
Kitty + Watermelon = JOY!! |
Oftentimes when I've felt gloomy or low, husband sends me this video because, well, he knows that it always makes me laugh. And I appreciate the sentiment.
Speaking of husband making me laugh a lot.... Unfortunately for my sad little soul, he's been in FRESNO all week. Which, apparently is somewhat of a dump? I don't know, I mean, if I'm gonna get on a plane for as long as he had to, I better end up somewhere way cooler than Fresno. Poor guy. But back to him making me laugh....a couple of weeks ago, we were staying with Mom and eating lunch. He decided to see how many giant black grapes he could fit in his mouth. A prize for the first person who correctly guesses how many he shoved into that pie hole!!
This is how engineers behave on the weekends. (Don't deny it, Ross). |
Know what else tickles me? Crap I hear my Dad say in the workplace. Most of you know that I work for him now, and I honestly really love it. Lots of people spend their lives trying to get away from their parents, but I invite mine over for sleepovers on the regular and go to work for them because they are fantastic. Also, I hope that someday I am able to rear children that end up being as awesome as my brother and I are. Anyway, so just the other day, I was wishing that I kept like, a LOG of stuff I hear my Dad say whilst I'm toiling away in my office. But I remember a couple of the recent ones, so that's what you're getting. Plus one picture, taken circa 2005. (Don't be mad at me, Dad!)
1. Today--I don't even know what he was working on or looking at, but I just heard him yell out (in like an Irish/Scottish accent), "SAINTS BE PRAISED!! WE'VE GOT THE RIGHT NUMBER!!"
2. Last week--he got a phone call from someone, and the next thing he said after hello was, "Wow, you sound like you're full of piss and vinegar this morning!"
I can neither confirm nor deny that he is wearing an authentic Middle Eastern headdress in this photo. The crazy eyes are definitely authentic. |
Ok, this is getting REALLY long. Plus, the longer I consider what funny things to include, the harder it becomes to keep this rated PG. But you know what...posting all these funny things was incredibly therapeutic! Thank you, self, for knowing that a blog might be just what I need in times of crap-tasticness.
Quick update on Mom, too, because I promised there would be one when I linked you here from Facebook--she had a follow up Dr. Appointment yesterday that went great! Her blood cell counts are way up from last week; in fact, the doctor said she was healthy enough yesterday to get a chemo treatment, and her next one is a whole week away! She has started to lose her hair, though. A lot of it has come out this week, and she's thinking about shaving it this Saturday. I think the hair loss might be affecting ALL of us more than we thought--I mean, look at her! Her hair is borderline iconic! But hair is just will grow back, and losing it will be well worth the reward of kicking this cancer back from whence it came.
We all love you hair, but you will come back. |
Our biggest concern at the moment is getting her off all the steroids she's been on--they don't do good things to people when used long-term and in high doses. She's slowly going down in dosage every few days, so she'll be done with them soon, praise the lord! Thanks for the millionth time for keeping us all in your prayers.
Until next time, I leave you (and me, really, because not all of you adore cats) with this: