I came across something on (where else) Pinterest this week that pleased me highly. Thus, I feel compelled to share. I have no idea if this is real or true or whatever, but I have chosen to believe that it is.
GRIEF BACON?! Are you serious? If there's ONE place I happily go when I'm in emotional eating land, it's bacon town. AMIRIGHT??? Imagine my disappointment when I followed this link, expecting to learn 14 MORE wonderful words, and there were none. Maybe I'm just kinda slow (very possible), but I couldn't find them. In any case, I think we can all agree our world is a better place now that the concept of grief bacon has been introduced.
So you wanna hear something REALLY cool and miracle-ish?? After Mom's most recent chemo treatment, she had ALMOST no debilitating side effects. Usually, she's super tired and nauseous, and has no energy to do anything, little appetite, etc etc...for at least a week. Sometimes even a week and a half. (Chemo is no joke, ya'll.) She was prancing on the treadmill and driving herself places in the days immediately following. It's been so great to see her feeling so much better!
Her next (and last!) scheduled chemo treatment is next Wednesday, the 24th. What a wonderful feeling it will be, walking out of that dreaded room, knowing that we don't have to come back. I am fervently hoping and praying that she has an excellent reaction to this last one as well--because her best friend is coming to visit her on the 31st. So thrilled that she'll have that to look forward to and as a CELEBRATION!
At her last doctor's appointment, we were told that her blood counts were all NORMAL (praise!) and she's got her PET scan scheduled for August 13th. We'll have a doctor's appointment after that to hear the results--but all I can think about is GOOD ones. I'm believing. Join me, won't you?!
In other news, there's been a good bit of not-so-good stuff happening at work. Stuff that we would all be completely justified in freaking out about (and I guess we all have, in our own ways). But can I just say....God is so faithful. He both gives and takes in His own time, but He doesn't ever let us go. I have no doubts that we are all being led to the place we're meant to go. It's very tempting for me to take a hike to worrytown (I'm SO good at that!) but by God's grace, I've been remarkably calm in the midst of this calamity. It may get worse before it gets better, but we will all be OK. Also, there's always grief-bacon to turn to if my emotions DO get the best of me.
Solid advice. Solid. |
And on one last work-related note....my Dad has nothing but this incredible GOODNESS, and SELFLESSNESS in his heart for this business. It is palpable EVERY day, and I know that God is going to use it for something great. It always inspires me, and it always will.
And finally, I must share that husband's birthday is Monday, and we're in desperate need of some PACKING because...we're off to CHARLESTON tomorrow! I've planned a birthday getaway! Very excited to be leaving normalcy behind for a few days. And what better occasion than the celebration of the greatest husband on the face of the earth? I can't think of one. But don't even think about burglarizing us--we have people both Jo sitting AND House sitting. So there.
Until next time, I leave you with this wonderful notion!